Courses Offered
B.A. with Geography
Faculty Members (Department of Geography)
Department of Geography
The Department of Geography was established since the establishment of this institution (SVGC Ghumarwin) in the year 1994-95 to run the under graduate courses in Geography. Since 2013 CBCS programme BA with Geography and since 2017-18 UGC CBCS BA with Geography started by the department.
The SVGC Ghumarwin Geographical Society is one of the vibrant organ which is formed to develop and inculcate the interest of geographical understanding among the students through organising different academic and extracurricular activities.
The department also inculcate the research aptitude among the students specially in BA IIIrd year students .They are guided and encourage to carry out field survey to prepare a project report or field report. The department try to enhance the observation, interview , survey skills of the students.
The department fully equipped Cartography cum survey lab and computer cum GIS lab to equipped the students with modern technologies used in the field of geography. The Department is committed to impart high quality education to address the issues of environment, sustainable development and disaster management. Our mission is to model the students in such a way to think like geographer to solve the problems of development and to save mother earth as a better living place for future generations and choose geography as their career as academician or as administrator.
lab Images